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Changing careers is exciting, nerve-wracking, terrifying, and empowering. It can be a chance to make a big change. To do something that you love, to learn something new, and to forge a career that you can be proud of. But, it’s also a huge step. Especially if you are starting something on your own, or you’ve got no experience in the field that you hope to move into. It’s a fantastic opportunity, but there’s a lot to think about and do before you make the leap.

Be Sure

The first thing that you should do is be absolutely certain that this is what you want. You don’t want to change jobs just because you are bored or fancy a change, just to find yourself in a position you hate even more. No one wants to spend their life jumping from one unhappy job to another.

If you are absolutely sure that you want to leave your current job, think very carefully about what you want to do before you start job hunting. If you’ve got a dream or something you’ve always kept in mind, go for it. If not, sit down and write a list of everything that you love doing or are good at. Speak to a careers advisor and take your time to reach a decision.

Find Out What You Need

In some cases, you can get an entry-level job without going back to school. But, that may not always be possible. Or, it might not be something that you can afford to do. If you are used to the lifestyle a high paying job brings, you may not want to take such a huge drop in salary.

Take a look at what qualifications or experience you need to get started in a new career. You may need to enroll in an online study program or do some volunteer work to get some relevant experience.

Sort Out Your Finances

Whether you are aiming to enter a new industry higher up, start at the bottom, or open your own business, it’s important to make sure you are in a stable financial position before you leave your current job. Take your time to read how do you fix your credit and make an effort to improve your credit score and pay off any debts. If at all possible, have a few months’ salary saved just in case, on top of any money you need for further education.

Prepare Your CV

One common mistake people make is staying in an unhappy job because they can’t see a way out. They think that they’re not qualified to do anything else. This isn’t often the case. Take a look at your CV, and think about your key skills. Think about all of your experience, both in and out of work, and any transferable skills you may have. Say you’ve worked as a chef, that means you can work under pressure, you are organized, you are creative, you’ve managed other staff, dealt with food hygiene paperwork, and you can think on your feet. These skills need to be on your CV; they could be useful in many other jobs.

Hope this post was helpful for those of you looking for a career change. 


Until next time, 

Angel Zheng

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