Whether you’re low on funds from the holiday season or you’re just very sensible with your money and you’d rather not blow it all on a big trip, the lifestyle of a traveler might be something that seems out of reach for you. However, seeing the world doesn’t necessarily be costly. What most people don’t understand is that travelling on a budget doesn’t always mean that you have to compromise for a crappy cheap vacation. If you’re financially-savvy about the way in which you plan your trip, it’s not hard to travel for cheap!
Work out what your budget can afford.
First of all, you need to set yourself a budget for your trip. Think about the very most you’d be happy to spend out of your personal funds. From that starting point, you can start to write down all the places you’d like to see and all the things you’d like to do there. You need to calculate the costs of all those activities so that you can get some sort of idea as to how much the entire venture is going to cost you. Of course, if you find that you’re going to go over budget if you do everything on your list then you might need to make a new plan. That doesn’t mean you need to compromise and scratch places off your wishlist; you could look into getting an online personal loan to help fund the remainder of your adventure. There’s always a way to finance your travels, but you might have to think outside the box if your personal finances are being stretched a little too thinly.
Search for cheap transport.
When it comes to traveling, it’s often getting from place A to B that costs the most money. You can save money on food and accommodation (as we’ll discuss in the final point) quite easily, but it can often be hard to find cheap options when it comes to actually getting to your destination. When it comes to transport, much like everything else, you need to do your research. There are lots of websites, such as Skyscanner, that can help you by comparing different flights. You should also look for cheap deals during the off-season period because airlines are often more eager to sell their available tickets during the quieter months of the year.
Be smart about your choice of accommodation.
Finally, the best way to save money on your travels is to choose cheap accommodation. With the power of the internet at your fingertips, you can do a lot of shopping around to make sure that you choose the cheapest places possible at every destination you’re going to visit. Additionally, online reviews mean that you can easily avoid staying at a place that has a bad reputation. You don’t have to opt for a hotel, either. Hostels are a good option for young travellers looking to hop from place to place. You might want to try an Airbnb if you want to stay in a high-quality flat or house for a ridiculously cheap price. You could even consider swapping houses with someone in another country. There are many possibilities available, so make sure you take the time to do some online research into accommodation options when planning your trip (or many trips).
So there you go! Three quick tips on frugal traveling.
Until next time,