Took a little photowalk with Michelle tonight to get some time in behind the camera. It’s been a while since I’ve taken out my Canon 6D and I really have missed it. Since I am newly recommitted to my blog, I wanted to get my creative juices flowing again so that I feel motivated to start creating specifically for the blog again.
I’ve spent a lot of time exploring the sea wall and actual False Creek area but not a lot of time wandering the industrial side of my neighbourhood. Initially I thought that this would be the part of my neighbourhood that I didn’t care for but it has really grown on me in the past month. Amongst the warehouse like buildings and trucks, there are actually quite a few hidden gems North of 2nd Ave that I’m starting to get to know.
It’s interesting to see how even amongst stores that are barred up at night time incase of theft in the area, there are also flowers that you don’t see much in the area. I love the diamond in the rough feel that these random flower bushes give the area. I’m glad I’ve started getting to know my neighbourhood better.
I think I’m going to either start bringing my 6D around more or just start doing more photowalks throughout the week while I’m in different areas working. I have all this great camera equipment but some how am still taking guesses and stabs at what I’m doing when I’m behind the lens. Been inspired by Neon Blush to really exercise my photography skills for the blog. Excited to share the outcome.