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Love & Misadventure

By March 5, 2015No Comments

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I’ve been seeing this book floating around the internet for a while now. I’ve always seen bits of pieces of Lang Leav’s poetry on tumblr (back when tumblr was pretty much my entire life). However, I could never justify spending $20 dollars on a book that I know I will finish within an hour (it’s a pretty short book, and it’s poetry so it’s not a very long read). However, lately I’ve been getting back into my reading kick, and have discovered this strange new love for poetry books. So, on a whim, I decided to purchase Love & Misadventure along with a couple of other poetry books.

The poetry in this book are all very simple, yet touching nonetheless. The language she uses is not difficult to understand (which poetry sometimes can be), yet it still embodies a lot of emotion and meaning. She write about relatable topics like unrequited love, betrayal, wishful thinking, and falling in love, which give the reader that great feeling of having their feelings and thoughts put into words. I definitely had one or two people in mind as I was reading through her poems, and each topic brought me back to a different memory of my own.As short of a read as this is, I actually wanted to take my time reading and re-reading each piece to experience it in full. I thought that the length of the book would be a bother for me (I enjoy my thick reads), yet I actually quite enjoyed the fact that it is quite a thin book. Approximately 150 pages long, I find myself going back and re-reading this one a lot, just because it IS such an easy yet FEELS read. It’s definitely made me consider purchasing her other book as well, Lullabies.

These books retail for $20, but amazon sells both of them for $14.43 (thank the lord for Amazon!).
Love & Misadventure

I give this book a 8/10 on the scale of HOW BADLY YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK RIGHT NOW. I wouldn’t necessary call this a holy grail must read, yet it was definitely a good one and one to check out if you’ve got some spare cash, or are looking for a some “feels” poetry.

Read on, my lovelies

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