new year – SPEAKOFTHEANGEL Thu, 02 Feb 2017 02:47:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 82987084 5 AT HOME WORKOUTS TO TRY Wed, 01 Feb 2017 02:24:28 +0000 I’ve always wanted to be one of those super motivated “I LOVE FITNESS, SWEATING, HEALTH, AND GYMS” type of girls. And yes, I know I know… the only way to achieve that goal is to… well… work out. Actively try to be active. But since I was born as a lazy f*ck (yes, it is that extreme that I had to drop the F bomb), that isn’t exactly the easiest goal to achieve for me.

But I will definitely work towards it this month… and the month after that… all the way until the end of this year. And hopefully, at the end of this year, I will have at least rid myself of my lazy habits.

I find that one thing about having a gym membership, or a yoga membership.. or any membership… the hardest part is forcing yourself to leave the house and go TO the gym. That’s why I find, at least for now, at home workouts in between school work and blog work are my best bet.

SO, I thought I would share with you 5 at home workouts that I’ve been enjoying.

1. P90X

P90X is intense. I definitely do not do all the workouts that they offer. I could do some of them when I was in high school (I was a lot more fit back then), but even then I would be huffing and puffing and dying after their workouts. Nowadays, the only workout from P90X that I still do is the Ab Ripper X . It’s probably the only thing I can still complete. I linked their website above, but honestly (should I be saying this?) I torrented it.


Here’s a little bit more of a chill one. This is a Yoga youtube channel that I followed religiously for a while. She does this great 30 Days of Yoga series as well as separate Yoga videos that concentrates on specific parts of the body that you want to work on (eg. Yoga for runners, Yoga for headaches, Yoga for lower back pains). I think I’m going to restart the 30 Days of Yoga series starting tomorrow.


Do You Yoga also has a great 30 Days of Yoga series. I enjoy Do You Yoga because Erin Motz, one of the instructors for this channel, seems like just your regular girl. She isn’t your super spiritual yogi type, which don’t get me wrong, I love my spiritual yogis sometimes. But other times, when I just want to treat yoga as a work out process instead of a healing session, I enjoy watching Erin more.


This is one of my more recent discoveries. How I actually found Kaylaitsines is through her instagram. There was a while when I went on a following binge, and followed about ten different fitspo (fitness inspiration) instagram accounts. And then after seeing the before and after” pictures from her account again and again, I finally decided to research further and see what it was all about. Turns out it is a healthy eating and workout plan that lasts 12 weeks. So I decided to give it a try ! So far I’m only on day 3 of the workout schedule (and no I haven’t been doing it everyday like it suggests… give me a break though, you can’t go from bed potato to fit bitch in a blink of an eye..) but I haven’t been taking the healthy eating plan as seriously. I think for myself, if I’m going to put in a lot of effort working out, I want to be able to eat whatever the heck I want. So that’s what I’m going to do. If I feel like I deserve a lava cake, I’m going to eat a god damn lava cake and you can’t stop me. Anyways, I’m really enjoying her workouts though, and it is definitely worth checking out.


Cassey Ho, the instrutor of this youtube channel, is a very upbeat, happy character on her channel. Blogilates is definitely not your relaxing, healing Yoga videos. Her content is a lot more upbeat, and done to pop songs. This channel is a great one to watch if you’re feeling like a “GIRL POWER, F*CK YEAH, TRAIN LIKE A BEAST, LOOK LIKE A BEAUTY” video. Which honestly, a lot of the times I do! Which girl doesn’t need a little extra girl power boost every now and then.

So those are the 5 at home workouts that I try to follow religiously. I’m not going to lie, I definitely don’t workout as hard or as much as I’d like, but I’m definitely going to try a lot harder this year, to get to where I want to be.

If you give any of these workouts a try, or you’ve tried them before, let me know how you like them! OR if you have any other at home workouts that you love, let me know ! I’m always looking for some new ones to try out.

It’s going to be a good year!

More soon,

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MONTHLY RESOLUTIONS : JANUARY Wed, 14 Jan 2015 11:28:29 +0000  to end all parties

I don’t think I’ve ever completed a single New Years resolution.

Setting such specific goals for such a long time frame is just way too unrealistic. If there are any NY resolutions that I haven’t yet given up on in March, I’ve probably just forgotten about them.

Not to mention I think the whole celebration of the new year is slightly overrated… but that’s another post all on it’s own.

What I’ve decided to do this year is not to write down some goals for the year. Instead, I’m going to set myself some short-term goals. I usually give myself some weekly goals (they’re more like a to-do list, but who are you to judge) to complete anyways, so I thought I would start doing monthly resolutions to complete. Each month, I’m going to write a new post about some new goals I’m going to set for myself. I will also let you guys know how well (or how terribly) I did at completely the previous month’s goals.

I figured that if I actually posted these goals online for other people to see, it would give me less of a chance to ignore them completely.

  1. Jump back into working out ! There was a time where I actually looked forward to working out and hitting the gym, but somewhere down the road, I lost that mindset along with the ability to fit into some of my jeans. So I decided to not only continue my Yoga journey, but I also got Kaylaitsine’s Bikini Body Guide to working out and eating healthy. I’ve followed her on instagram for a while now, and have been inspired again and again by the before and after pictures of some of her clients. So I finally caved and got her workout guide myself to see what the fuss is.
  2. Start saving ! One problem I’ve always had (and probably will for a while) is managing my financials. One definite goal I want to try and succeed at this January is to add at least $100 into my savings account. I know that isn’t a lot, but if I could some how manage to add $100 into my savings account every month… then well. I would actually have savings. $100 is my goal this month, so hopefully it will all workout.
  3. No more soda and dessert for the rest of the month. I did not start out this month well. With 2 cups of ginger ale every time I went into work, and the occasional lava cake (I may have had 2 since January started….) I had here and there, I definitely needed a change. SO. I’ve decided. No more pop and desserts for the rest of the month. I don’t deserve it. Yet.
  4. Drink more (lemon) water. Another problem that I have is that I don’t drink nearly enough water. This month I’m hoping to get a lot more serious about drinking tons more water and having some lemon water everyday. If you want to know more about benefits of drinking lemon water, you can read this great article here. 
  5. Less Netflix. More blogging & reading. The amount of time that I’ve spent on that website is absolutely despicable. The fact that I’ve already seen 80% of all of the movies I actually am interested in, on netflix, is just ridiculous and nothing to be proud of. Instead, I’m going to delegate my time into reading more from my Kobo ARC, and concentrating more on blogging.
  6. Stay on top of all classes. My study habits are almost as bad as my Netflix issue. (Yes, I admit I have an issue. Bite me.) If I plan to succeed in my full program this coming fall, I am in serious need of re-vamping my study habits.

What are your new years resolutions this year? Or if you don’t like new years resolutions, like me, what are you short-term goals? 

Lots of love,


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