resolutions – SPEAKOFTHEANGEL Fri, 06 Feb 2015 19:33:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 82987084 Hello #FitFebruary ! Fri, 06 Feb 2015 19:33:28 +0000

Did anybody completely forget about their goals as soon as school started to get stressful? Because I know I did. I’m not even going to deny it, I didn’t do so well trying to accomplish my January resolutions. It’s February now, so let’s do a quick round up of how I did.

1. Jump back into working out 4/10 (I did do a lot of yoga this month, but that isn’t really the working out I was talking about)

2. Start saving 1/10 (yeeeaaaahhh…no.)

3. No more soda and dessert for the rest of the month. 5/10 (I had no soda all of january..BUT I did eat dessert a bunch more times…)

4. Drink more lemon water 7/10 (I feel like I did decently well on this. Definitely did not drink it every day like I wanted, but I didn’t do too bad)

5. Less Netflix, more blogging and reading 6/10 (I gave myself a 5 because although I didn’t do LESS netflix watching, I did do a lot MORE blogging. soooooo its a 6. Didn’t read enough though)

6. Stay on top of all classes 8/10 (This one I am actually doing pretty well in)

So my overall completion for January is 51.6%. At least I got more than half? That’s something right? Let’s just learn from this and do better this month!

This month, I decided to name #fitfebruary because I want to narrow my goals down to mostly fitness goals. I feel like if I concentrate on one category of goals, it will help me stay on a track a little easier. Another reason for #fitfebruary is because I recently picked up a Fitbit Flex ! If you don’t know what that is, it’s pretty much an activity and sleep tracker that you wear on your arm. I will be writing a more in-depth post all about my new Fitbit, and maybe a review as well, so keep your eyes peeled for that! SO ANYWAYS, let’s get on with our #fitfebruary goals !

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1. Take 240,000 steps by the end of february. My daily steps goal on my fitbit is set to 10,000 steps every day. My goal for this month is to actually fulfill those 10,000 steps a day, so that at the end of this month, (there are 24 days left from today) I will have taken 240,000 steps.

2. Drink 2000 mL of water each day. This will also be something that is tracked on my fitbit. 2000 mL is the equivalent to about 3.38 Dasani bottles of water each day. That seems pretty achievable if you ask me!

3. Start doing heavier work outs ! As much as I love yoga, I use it for more as a meditative “me-time” than a workout. So I promise myself that I will actually start doing heavier workouts this month. Whether that means actually taking my butt to the gym, or doing the BBG workout at home.. I’ve got to start actually doing! I’m going to start small and aim for 2 “heavier” workouts each week.

4. Try to eat healthier. Just try. Whether that means opting out when it comes to fried chicken, or actually ordering healthier options on the menu when you eat out… Just try.

5. Yoga at least 4 times a week. Simple enough right?

Just 5 fitness related goals for this month. Seems easy enough. Now to actually remember these……

How are your resolutions coming along?

Until next time,

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MONTHLY RESOLUTIONS : JANUARY Wed, 14 Jan 2015 11:28:29 +0000  to end all parties

I don’t think I’ve ever completed a single New Years resolution.

Setting such specific goals for such a long time frame is just way too unrealistic. If there are any NY resolutions that I haven’t yet given up on in March, I’ve probably just forgotten about them.

Not to mention I think the whole celebration of the new year is slightly overrated… but that’s another post all on it’s own.

What I’ve decided to do this year is not to write down some goals for the year. Instead, I’m going to set myself some short-term goals. I usually give myself some weekly goals (they’re more like a to-do list, but who are you to judge) to complete anyways, so I thought I would start doing monthly resolutions to complete. Each month, I’m going to write a new post about some new goals I’m going to set for myself. I will also let you guys know how well (or how terribly) I did at completely the previous month’s goals.

I figured that if I actually posted these goals online for other people to see, it would give me less of a chance to ignore them completely.

  1. Jump back into working out ! There was a time where I actually looked forward to working out and hitting the gym, but somewhere down the road, I lost that mindset along with the ability to fit into some of my jeans. So I decided to not only continue my Yoga journey, but I also got Kaylaitsine’s Bikini Body Guide to working out and eating healthy. I’ve followed her on instagram for a while now, and have been inspired again and again by the before and after pictures of some of her clients. So I finally caved and got her workout guide myself to see what the fuss is.
  2. Start saving ! One problem I’ve always had (and probably will for a while) is managing my financials. One definite goal I want to try and succeed at this January is to add at least $100 into my savings account. I know that isn’t a lot, but if I could some how manage to add $100 into my savings account every month… then well. I would actually have savings. $100 is my goal this month, so hopefully it will all workout.
  3. No more soda and dessert for the rest of the month. I did not start out this month well. With 2 cups of ginger ale every time I went into work, and the occasional lava cake (I may have had 2 since January started….) I had here and there, I definitely needed a change. SO. I’ve decided. No more pop and desserts for the rest of the month. I don’t deserve it. Yet.
  4. Drink more (lemon) water. Another problem that I have is that I don’t drink nearly enough water. This month I’m hoping to get a lot more serious about drinking tons more water and having some lemon water everyday. If you want to know more about benefits of drinking lemon water, you can read this great article here. 
  5. Less Netflix. More blogging & reading. The amount of time that I’ve spent on that website is absolutely despicable. The fact that I’ve already seen 80% of all of the movies I actually am interested in, on netflix, is just ridiculous and nothing to be proud of. Instead, I’m going to delegate my time into reading more from my Kobo ARC, and concentrating more on blogging.
  6. Stay on top of all classes. My study habits are almost as bad as my Netflix issue. (Yes, I admit I have an issue. Bite me.) If I plan to succeed in my full program this coming fall, I am in serious need of re-vamping my study habits.

What are your new years resolutions this year? Or if you don’t like new years resolutions, like me, what are you short-term goals? 

Lots of love,


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