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Maybe it’s because I’m finally starting school full-time again in September (and hopefully heading in the right direction), or maybe it’s because I know I’ve basically wasted the past two school years (where has the time gone?!), but sometimes I really do feel inspiration hungry. I am definitely one to need constant little pushes in the right direction, or else my curious (and lazy) nature will wander off and get off track. 

And what better way to get motivated than to dive in some self-help books ! 

What I enjoy about today’s “self-help” books is that they aren’t your typical, run-of-the-mill, “how to get rich in ten easy steps” books that you used to find. Everyone is different, and I feel that authors realize that the exact steps they’ve taken to reach their goals , aren’t going to work for everyone. Books now-a-days have become a little less focused, and a little more inspiring.

Not to mention, share a common theme; Confidence. But that’s another ramble for another day. 

Not to say that I’m lacking in the confidence department or anything (trust me, I love myself plenty), but I definitely understand that everyone (including lil’ ol’ me) needs a little healthy reminder now and again. 

So, here are the four inspo-friendly things I purchased recently, that you could definitely check out as well. 

FIRST being of course a new agenda. I really thought that this might be the year that I stray from the LG (little girl) looking, colourful agendas… but then I saw this one created by the Ban.Do girls and I couldn’t resist. ahhhhh I’ll go for the moleskin one next year. Just let me hold on to my LG days for one more year. 

SECOND, the actual books. Note : I’ve only actually peeped inside of these babies , but they were all recommendations from friends, youtubers, or just other real life people that have read these books, so either way, I know they’re going to be good. 

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

A quick motivation read to remind you that you’re enough, and that as long as you believe, you can achieve. 
Leave Your Mark: Land Your Dream Job. Kill It in Your Career. Rock Social Media.

Career oriented ! Written by inspirational Aliza Licht (DKNY’s PR PRODIGY), giving you a run down on how she got where she is, and how you can do the same. 
Rich Bitch: A Simple 12-Step Plan for Getting Your Financial Life Together…Finally

Finance oriented. For all the careless spenders (like me), who’ve realized they need to reign it in (like me), and get their shit together and save (also like me). 

Hope these help you guys out ! 


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